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yoga poses after Surgery | Asanas to practice after surgery

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#yoga _poses_after _Surgery #

yoga  poses after  Surgery | Asanas to practice after surgery

Asanas to practice after surgery

Normally, it is asked, how long one should avoid the practice of Asanas after being surgically operated for piles or ulcer etc? For this purpose, one is advised to consult his teacher. Normally, one could restart the practice of Asanas after six months or so, when the affected parts and muscles would be strong enough to bear the pressure.


What should be the sequence of Asanas and Pranayam? The answer to the above question is so simple and clear that there is no room for confusion, if we follow the instruction of Swatmarama. Swatmarama has clearly said:


Asanas, different types of kumbhakas, practices called Mudras, Nadanusandhana- this is the correct sequence for the practice of Hathayoga.


Patanjali has also said:

Tasmin sati svasaprasvasayorgativiccehedahpranayamah”, after establishing oneself in a stable posture, Pranayama, has to be performed . Even if Asanas are preceded by Pranayama, no problem occurs. Normally Asanas are done before Pranayama.
