About Developer Indian
DeveloperIndian.com is a platform community page with the intent to share the knowledge of Programing Skill like
BigData, Machine Learning, and Cloud
We also provide a real-time projects.
We started providing tutorials on Java , Hadoop ,Apache Spark & Pyspark and later extended to Bigdata ecosystem tools, machine learning.
All examples I have explained on this site are simple,
easy to understand, and well tested in our development environment.
Me and my Courses
- Focused on the foundations of the Apache Spark and Big data,Machine learning. I've created – “Learn Hadoop and "Learn Hadoop Ecosystem".
- We focusing in multi choise Question and answer.
- Focusing in Interview preparation with question and answers.
- This tutorial is only intended for those who are interested in building their foot prints in one of the top trending technology in IT world.
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Shubham Mishra
नमस्कार ,
Shubham Mishra is an software developer ,Creating story teller and work for Social welfare .
I am highlights experiences of communities in solving social issues.
I am also the Software Developer and I conceive of, design, and build computer programs. Some develop new applications for mobile or desktop use.