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Asanas should be performed before or after the bath?

Tue Jan 25 2022 14:57:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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#Asanas should be performed before or after the bath? #yoga #Asanas

It is usually asked whether Asanas should be performed before or after the bath? Whether the water used for bathing should be hot or cold? We will answer these uestions as per Swatmaram who says that adhering to the rules strictly is also an obstacle. This also ture with regards to bathing. The people from Kashmire or any other cool place would like to have bath in hot water. It will facilitate the flow of blood and will also make the muscles flexible.In the same way people frpm warmer regions should take the bath with cold water.

Hence, while considering time and bath their respective effects on one's body should be considered. Normally, bathing before Asanas is considered favourable. for people who sweat more and also if the sweat stinks,  bathing after the performance of Asans should be considered preferable. However, the time gap between the Asanas and bath should be minimum 30 minutes.



showing an illustration of Asanas should be performed before or after the bath?  and <p>#Asanas should be performed before or after the bath? #yoga #Asanas</p>
