Basic example of Java DataBase Connectivity | Java Connectivity | RDBMS | Java Programs
#Java # dataBase #Connectivity #JavaConnectivity #jdbc #JavaPrograms
Java DataBase Connectivity is an API, as the name implies, it help to achieve the connectivity between Java Programs & Database.
Also JDBC is “DB independent” i.e. Using JDBC we can interact with any RDBMS Applications in the world.
JDBC Pre-Requirement:
Install Any RDBMS Application (MySQL or oracle )
Create a “Database (Schema) “ by any name.
Create a table
Insert some data into the table.
Loads the Driver.
Get the DB Connection via Driver.
Issue SQL Queries via Connection.
Process the results returned by SQL Queries.
Close All JDBC Objects.
package jdbc;
import java.sql.*;
import java.sql.SQLException;
class MyFirstcode
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Driver loaded successfully");
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@//shubham-pc:1521/orcl","scott","tiger");
Statement st=conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select ename,sal from emp");
int total=0;
int count=0;
String str=rs.getString(1);
int amt =rs.getInt(2);
System.out.println("Average is "+(float)total/count);
catch(SQLException ex2)
System.out.println(" not connect to database:"+ex2.getMessage());
catch(ClassNotFoundException ex1)
System.out.println(" can not load driver:"+ex1.getMessage());
Here we learn how to connect RDBMS using java program .
we see steps for connection between java and RDBMS Oracle and for execution our program we need to add jar file So
Right Click on the Java Project, where we want to make use of JAR File, select “Build Path” click on “Add External Archieves and select the “JAR File” & Click on “Open” .Finally We see JAR File under “Referenced Libraries.
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