C Tutorial for beginners
Updated:31/feb/2023 by Computer Hope
C was originally developed in the 1970 by Dennis Ritchie and Keringhan at Bell laboratories (now a part of AT & T). It is an outgrowth of two earlier language, called BCPL AND B which were also developed at Bell laboratories.
In 1978 when C get immense popularity the American National standards Institute defined a standard for C, eliminating much uncertainty about the exact syntax of the language. This newcomer, called ANSI C, proclaims itself the standard version of the language. As such it will inevitably overtake, and eventually replace common C.
ANSI C does incorporate a few improvements over the old common C. The main differently within the computer memory. A variable is a named location in memory that is used to hold A value that may be modified by program. All variable have to declare before they can be used.
There are 3 atomic type of data types in C:
How to Write C program
- int main() The main() function is the entry point of every program in c language.
- printf() The printf() function is used to print data on the console.
- Return type of main () function: The return type for main () function should always be int.
- Header in c program ,program we have used stdio.h. we use several keywords & statements and functions such as printf(), scanf() etc.
- Take input from the user scanf function is used to take the input from the user.
C Comments
Similarly with HTML, you can write comments in java.Begin your sentence with "/*" and end it with "*/". Although using comments is not required, it is nevertheless a good practise because it makes the code easier to read. A programme may have many comments.
Why is C language Used in development ?
The C language is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. It provides a straightforward, consistent, powerful interface for programming systems.
What is a c langauge feature?
- Simple and Efficient. The basic syntax style of implementing C language is very simple and easy to learn. ...
- Fast.
- Portability.
- Extensibility.
- Function-Rich Libraries.
- Dynamic Memory Management.
- Modularity With Structured Language.
- Mid-Level Programming Language.
Below is an example of a basic C that would print that you are eligible for driving licence.
int main()
int num;
printf("Enter your age: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
if (num <18)
printf("you are now eligible for driving license ");
printf("You can wait !!");
return 0;