How to Merge when you get error "divergent branches and need to specify how to reconcile them."
#git #gitPull #command #RebaseGit #gitRebase
How to Merge when you get error
"divergent branches and need to
specify how to reconcile them."
Here we are thinking to merge or pull request .
So currently we are in test Branch and need to merge or pull files using Git Command of Master/ Main Branch .
Here if you check Git Pull Does not work.
If you are running below command give you successfull massage.
git pull --rebase origin main
but here is some twist if you have conflict then you need to remove that conflict and
then run below command :
git rebase --continue
After running above command your rebase is completed.
The method is required when you get error "divergent branches and need to
specify how to reconcile them "
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