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How to Merge when you get error "divergent branches and need to specify how to reconcile them."

Thu Dec 22 2022 13:55:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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#git #gitPull #command #RebaseGit #gitRebase

How to Merge when you get error 

"divergent branches and need to

specify how to reconcile them."

Here we are thinking to merge or pull request .
So currently we are in test Branch and need to merge or pull files using Git Command of Master/ Main Branch .
Here if you check Git Pull Does not work.
If you are running below command give you successfull massage.

git pull --rebase origin main

but here is some twist if you have conflict then you need to remove that conflict and

then run below command :

git rebase --continue

After running above command your rebase is completed.


The method is required when you get error "divergent branches and need to

specify how to reconcile them "

Thank you for visiting us ,if you feel any query feel free to contact me on LinkedIn

Shubham Mishra


showing an illustration of How to Merge when you get error  "divergent branches and need to specify how to reconcile them."  and <p>#git #gitPull #command #RebaseGit #gitRebase</p>
