How to select all elements greater than a given values in a dataframe in spark
#bigdata #spark #scala #filter #python
Updated:22/12/2022 by Shubham mishra
df.filter($”age” > 21).show()
Above is piece of code filter element of row that is greater than 21 (or any number )
above code is group by age field and count number of age greate than given number of age .
We can start with basic definition of Spark and diferent type of datatype in
A DataFrame is a data structure that organizes data into table of rows and columns, similar like a spreadsheet or excel that contain row and column with different pre define datatype like int ,string ,boolean .
A Dataset is a distributed collection of data. Dataset is a new interface added in Spark 1.6 that provides the benefits of RDDs (strong typing, ability to use powerful lambda functions) with the benefits of Spark SQL’s optimized execution engine.
A Dataset can be constructed from JVM objects and then manipulated using functional transformations (map, flatMap, filter, etc.).
The Dataset API is available in Scala and Java.
Python does not have the support for the Dataset API. But due to Python’s dynamic nature, many of the benefits of the Dataset API are already available (i.e. you can access the field of a row by name naturally row.columnName).
The case for R is similar.A DataFrame is a distributed collection of data, which is organized into named columns. Conceptually, it is equivalent to relational tables with good optimization techniques.
“Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD) is a distributed memory abstraction that helps a programmer to perform in-memory computations on large cluster.” One of the important advantages of RDD is fault tolerance, it means if any failure occurs it recovers automatically.”
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark._
val df =“examples/src/main/resources/developerIndian.json”)
df.printSchema()“name”).show()$”name”, $”age” + 1).show()
df.filter($”age” > 21).show()df.groupBy(“age”).count().show()